Hey Elance, we want our money back!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Looking for help beyond Elance

Today we sent a message to the four contacts in the US given by that service provider as reference.

Dear ...,

We have obtained your contact information from an Elance profile of a service provider -- petermor.

Your information was provided as a reference in the US. We were unfortunate to have encountered petermor who promised to develop our project, but instead embezzled our money. Both Elance and ourselves have attempted to contact petermor a.k.a. Peter Morison but were unable.

Unfortunately, up till now Elance proved itself useless in resolving this issue. If you have any contact information for this provider from the time you've had business
with we would appreciate you sharing it with us.


A few hours later we received the first reply:

David Williams to us, investigations

Wow; he took your money and ran? Wild.

He did an acceptable job for us in managing our development work, though I'm begining
to think that the word 'deadline' has no meaning where he lives. I'm afraid all I can tell you is that he's in Mumbai, India (Bombay) and that he's on elance@petermor.com. Beyond that, I'm not sure where he is, physically.

Just for the record, I think he was acting as an intermediary for the guys who actually did our development work. I believe that the name 'Peter Moritz' was also an alias of his, but...I'm pretty sure the guy's actual name is Naveen C Joshi, his email is naveen@asmlabs.com, because he screwed his developers over (he didn't pay them), and they contacted me directly, very upset.

I would suggest using a 'reverse ip lookup' tool (you can google that term) to find the physical location of amslabs.com.

Hope that helps; fraud is against the law in India, too.


Dave Williams

Thanks Dave! We've checked for that address and indeed our friend Naveen Joshi poped up:

asmlabs.com registration


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